LED Retrofits照明 & 控制 -照明的革命!
今天,随着LED Retrofits和控制技术的引入, 照明不仅仅是一个简单的灯具和灯泡. 照明是一个系统. 照明系统帮助人们感到舒适、高效和安全. 它们美化空间,改造环境. 作为LED Retrofits技术革命的领导者, ADG创造了优先考虑能源效率的照明系统, 可持续性, 降低运营成本. 我们专注于改善室内外环境的宜居性和有效性, providing everything from functional general illumination to spectacular color-changing experiences that enhance the brand, 鼓励社会交往,振兴社区.
在必威靠谱吗, we have the deep expertise and range of systems to transform your goals into effective lighting applications. You can count on ADG to understand your goals and to help you specify and execute solutions that ensure the ideal lighting for your specific lighting needs.
我们是一个灯光设计师团队, 说明符, and energy-efficient experts with a combined 50+ years’ experience in providing lighting and control systems:
- 攒钱
- 更聪明的光——用更少的钱做更多的事
- 感到安全
- 改善 & 改善建筑物/设施的外观
- 为你提供一个不牺牲外观或设计的系统解决方案
- 营造好心情
LED Retrofits’s retrofits are one of the easiest and fastest ways to begin a strategy toward greater energy efficiency at a community. 这种实施的回报可能很快,这有助于增加财产的价值.
LED Retrofits’s are now a time-tested and proven solution for reducing energy costs and they are working even better and at a lower cost every day.
ADG can help make LED Retrofits installations or retrofits as easy as they sound while delivering on the promise of long-term savings for the assets.